Mental Toughness Tools for Sports Athletes Watch Preview
You're a performer in sport. It doesn't matter what sport, at what level or how old you are. Everyone needs and can develop mental toughness to enhance their performance.
Mental toughness is not what you think. It's actually a heavily researched and successfully implemented concept that is evolving all the time.
It has perfect applications in sport and when you have developed this vital mindset, you will experience increases in performance that you only could have dreamed off before.
This online course is comprehensive, gives you lots of practical tools and regularly asks you to reflect and challenge your thinking. Work through it at your own pace (your access does not expire) and make sure you carry out the reflections and practical activities as that's what will make the difference!
53 Lessons
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Some useful stuff to know at the start
Welcome to Mental Toughness tools for Sports Athletes
To introduce you to the course and say hello
Who am I?
To let you know more about Steve Dent
Why you really need this course?
To make you aware of why mental toughness is important to you
Course format and learning outcomes
To give you more information on what the course covers and how it is structured
Course Workbook to download
To make the course workbook available to you.
Mental Toughness in Sport
What is mental toughness?
To introduce you to the concept of mental toughness
10 Facts about Mental Toughness in Sport
To make you aware of how mental toughness benefits sports athletes
The 4C's of mental toughness
To introduce you to the model of mental toughness that the course is based upon
Mental Toughness & Control
To explore high control and what you need to do to demonstrate it
Mental Toughness & Commitment
To explore high commitment and what you need to do to demonstrate it
Mental Toughness & Challenge
To explore high challenge and what you need to do to demonstrate it
Mental Toughness & Confidence
To explore high confidence and what you need to do to demonstrate it
Pressure?...that's an inside job!
There's no such thing as pressure
To explore where 'pressure' comes from
How we create our experiences in life and sport
To identify why we experience things in sport that are different to others
How we create our experiences in life and sport
To identify why we experience things in sport that are different to others
Pay attention to your thoughts - TARGET Strategy
To introduce the TARGET strategy
Task - Pay attention to your thoughts
To practice the TARGET strategy and to reflect on the results
How we create our experiences in life and sport Copy
To identify why we experience things in sport that are different to others
The only Moment that Matters in Sport
Where do you perform?
To highlight the importance of getting present in sport
Step into your 'Batman'
To introduce you to the concept of an 'Alter Ego' for sport
Your Ideal Competitive Mindset
To identify the mindset of your 'Alter Ego'
Switching on your Ideal Competitive Mindset
To explore ways to switch on the mindset of your 'Alter Ego'
Imagine that?
Mental Imagery - what is it?
To explore the concept of mental imagery for sport
Mental Imagery - what is it?
The process of Mental Imagery
To help you recognise how to do mental imagery to get the best out of the practice
Mental Imagery Practice - the lemon
To practice mental imagery
Mental Imagery Practice - the powerful magnet
To practice mental imagery
Mental Imagery Practice - the arm extension
To practice mental imagery
Mental Imagery Practice - the iron bar
To practice mental imagery
Mental Imagery Practice - the Rollercoaster
To practice mental imagery in two different ways
Practicing mental imagery - next level stuff
To take mental imagery to the next level
Mindful Breathing
To identify how using your breath can help you in your sport
Anchoring Useful Emotional States
To explore how to anchor emotional states
Language and Sport
How our language impacts our performance?
To recognise how our language impacts your performance in sport
Sport and our senses
To identify your preferred representational system
The Power of our Words in Sport
To recognise the language you use that can help or hinder your performance
How we filter success
To recognise and explore the filters you use that can help or hinder your performance
Reframing your experience for improved results
To provide you with help to reframe how you experience situations in your sport
Use your language to enhance your performance
To help you use different language and filters to experience situations in a more helpful way
Downloadable 4C's strategies for improving performance
Strategies to enhance your performance
The Principles of Success
To identify the core principles of success in for approaching your sport
Overcoming Setbacks
To explore how to get past setbacks and thrive
Confidence in Abilities - Changing your narrative
To help you change the stories that you tell yourself that hinder your performance
Are you OK? - How you perceive yourself and others in sport
To explore when you perceive yourself or others as either OK or not OK and what you can do about it.
Identifying your sources of stress
To recognise what creates unhelpful emotions in sport
Controlling your environment
To explore what you can and can't control in your sport
TARGET strategy
To introduce the TARGET strategy for sport
Breathing techniques for Sport
To explore useful breathing techniques than can help you control nerves and anxiety
Results v Excuses
To identify the excuses you are using for not getting the results you want
Setting powerful intentions - PACER
To identify how to set clear and meaningful outcomes in your sport
Sticky Habits
To build good habits by sticking them to your current habits
What's Next?
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